Great American Insurance Group/Region 1 USDF Championships/
VADA Fall Competition

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5-8 October 2023
Virginia Horse Center, Lexington Virginia
VADA is pleased to host the "Great American Insurance Group/USDF Region 1 Dressage Championships (GAIG) and Virginia Dressage Association Fall Competition" on 5-8 October 2023 at the Virginia Horse Center, Lexington, Virginia. The GAIG/USDF Championships, run in conjunction with VADA’s fall show, are an opportunity for riders in USDF Region 1 to qualify to compete in the U.S. Dressage Finals.
Opening Date: 22 August 2023
Closing Date: 11 September 2023
Click Here to view/download Prizelist (Rev 6. 9/26/23)
Biosecurity Precaution/Temp Log
Official Show Photographer - Liz Crawley,, website
Any other commercial photography, or advertisement thereof, taken of subjects within the confines of the show ring without prior written consent from show management is expressly forbidden. Any violation will result in being asked to leave the showgrounds, at management's discretion.

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Come If You Dare to
Halloween Doggie Costume Class
Saturday Evening
Anderson Coliseum

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Dressage at Lexington
14-16 July 2023
Virginia Horse Center, Lexington, Virginia
VADA is pleased to host "Dressage at Lexington" (DAL) on 14-16 July 2023 at the Virginia Horse Center, Lexington, Virginia. The DAL is a premier dressage show, having grown to be one of the largest shows on the East Coast. This show features the USDF Breeders Championship Qualifiers, several hotly contested FEI Challenge Classes, Maestro Cup-Grand Prix Challenge, and the very popular Sporting Horse Amateur Challenge.
To view show results, click here.
Opening Date: 5 June 2023
Closing Date: 5 July 2023
Click Here to View/Download Prizelist (Rev. 4 7/5/23)
Official Show Photographer
Aster Equine Photography