
Latest VADA volunteer news, general information, volunteer hours and so much more.
Volunteer Incentive Program (VIP)
The VADA Volunteer Incentive Program (VIP) is intended to stimulate interest in volunteerism among VADA members. As a reward for volunteering, members earn special VADA VIP gifts.
Volunteer time for the VIP Program must be earned by the member and cannot be transferred to other members.
All volunteer time will be tracked by the Volunteer Chair. Questions can be directed to VolunteerVADA@gmail.com. Volunteers will be notified as to the level earned and a link to the LogoShop to select a gift.

Earns a Bronze level VADA
VIP gift
Dressage at Lexington (July), Lexington, VA.
GAIG's/VADA Fall Show (October), Lexington, VA.
Assist with the Annual Awards Brunch (February)
Secure advertising or sponsorship for any of the above-licensed shows. One hour of volunteer time will be given for every $100 of advertising or sponsorship. Contact the Show Sponsorship Team for specific details.
Donating your services as a clinician, judge, or Technical Delegate for sale at the Awards Brunch Silent Auction (8 hours)
Other volunteer activities as determined by the VADA State Board
VIP Levels
Earns a Silver or Bronze level
VIP gift
Dressage at Lexington (July), Lexington, VA.
GAIG's/VADA Fall Show (October), Lexington, VA.
Assist with the Annual Awards Brunch (February)
Secure advertising or sponsorship for any of the above-licensed shows. One hour of volunteer time will be given for every $100 of advertising or sponsorship. Contact the Show Sponsorship Team for specific details.
Donating your services as a clinician, judge, or Technical Delegate for sale at the Awards Brunch Silent Auction (8 hours)
Other volunteer activities as determined by the VADA State Board
Earns a Gold or Silver or Bronze level VIP gift
Dressage at Lexington (July), Lexington, VA.
GAIG's/VADA Fall Show (October), Lexington, VA.
Assist with the Annual Awards Brunch (February)
Secure advertising or sponsorship for any of the above-licensed shows. One hour of volunteer time will be given for every $100 of advertising or sponsorship. Contact the Show Sponsorship Team for specific details.
Donating your services as a clinician, judge, or Technical Delegate for sale at the Awards Brunch Silent Auction (8 hours)
Other volunteer activities as determined by the VADA State Board
Days or more