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VADA Educational Activity Grant Guidelines and Application


VADA Educational Activity Grant Guidelines

Let’s delve into the educational activity grants provided by VADA State to each chapter annually. These grants are essential for supporting educational initiatives and enhancing the dressage community. Below are the guidelines for applying:


  • The amount of the grant is based upon the size of the chapter. The base amount of the grant amounts are the following:

    • Chapters with 99 members or less: Eligible for $700

    • Chapters with 100-199 members: Eligible for $900

    • Chapters with over 200 members: Eligible for $1,000


  • All educational activities supported by a VADA grant must be open to all VADA/Chapter members (either as riders, participants or auditors) and not limited to a particular group, such as judges.

  • Clinicians/presenters can be from anywhere.

  • Grants may be used for any educational event.

  • Grants cannot be used for the following:

    • Chapter’s schooling shows

    • Chapter licensed shows

    • “L” programs (Parts 1 and 2)

    • Licensed Official's programs.

  • The date cannot conflict with any other Chapter’s licensed show.

  • To receive the base amount ($700, $900 or $1,000) chapters need to complete the online Grant Application form (below) and submit online to Beth Rippel, Grant Coordinator. Upon receipt and verification, Jessie Ginsburg, VADA Treasurer, will be notified to disperse the initial payment to the chapter. Checks are mailed to Chapter President or Treasurer.

  • Once the event is completed, in order to receive the $400 supplemental grant funds, the chapter must submit an article describing the clinic to be published on the VADA website. The article should be written by someone who participated in the clinic as a rider, auditor or organizer, and should share the key educational take-aways of the clinic. It is recommended that the author be identified in advance and that photographs be taken during the event to accompany the article. The article should be submitted to the VADA Treasurer, Jessie Ginsburg at, within 30 days of the event. Upon approval, the Treasurer will send the designated chapter representative the additional funds and will forward the article to the VADA Webmaster for publishing.

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  • You Can’t See Balance! 

  • NEVADA Dressage Clinic 

  • Micheal Bragdell Dressage Clinic

  • Understanding Biomechanics 

  • Region 1 Youth Dressage Team Challenge at Culpeper June 2023

  • A PLAY IN FOUR ACTS - Dressage is a Journey – Complete with Detours

  • VADACC Michael Bragdell Clinic for Chapter Grant

  • Rider Responsibilities and Roadblocks in the Debbie Rodriguez Clinic, by Sonya Hunt

VADA Educational Activity Grant Application
Grant Event Organizer:
Grant Event Details:
Grant Event Article
Is your Chapter planning to submit an event article?

Thanks for applying for a VADA Grant! If you have questions and/or status of Chapter Grant, reach out to Beth Rippel at

Virginia Dressage Association

a 501c3 non-profit organization

a Group Member Organization (GMO) of the United States Dressage Federation (USDF)

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