Volunteer News Corner

Volunteer News Corner
Volunteers form the backbone of the Virginia Dressage Association. Their contributions are crucial for the success of our shows, and we encourage our members and friends to lend their support. Stewards, scribes, runners, and all other volunteers are greatly valued. We extend our gratitude for your support of the sport of dressage.

Year End Awards: Qualifier for State and Volunteer Incentive Program
For VADA Year-End Awards:
A rider does not have to do multiple days of volunteer time to submit for awards with multiple horses. Volunteer time CAN be completed by either rider or another member.
If you wish to donate your time to someone, please ensure you send an email to VolunteerVADA@gmail.com by November 15th. ​
The list also encompasses individuals who have been recipients of donated time.

Lending Hands at VADA Licensed Shows
Volunteering at Lexington is one for the books! A great group of volunteers, we often take new volunteers at this show. We are always happy to have youth volunteers, parents, as well as our more experienced volunteers.
Dressage at Lexington
11-13 July 2025
Great American Insurance Group/USDF Reg 1 /Championships and VADA Fall Show
2-5 October 2025​​
Volunteer on the Show Grounds: Daily Assignments
Dressage at Lexington
11-13 July 2025
Great American Insurance Group/USDF Reg 1 /Championships and VADA Fall Show
2-5 October 2025​​

Hotel Assignments
Dressage at Lexington
11-13 July 2025
Great American Insurance Group/USDF Reg 1 /Championships and VADA Fall Show
2-5 October 2025​​

Volunteer Incentive Program (VIP)
Volunteer hours are non-transferable for the VIP Program. Hours must be earned by the recipient, no application is required, and details will be sent at the end of the year to the recipients.
For VADA VIP Awards:
Volunteer time can ONLY be earned by the member. Volunteer time cannot be transferred or earned by others.

Show Lunch Order
Prior to packing your bags, complete your show grounds lunch order.
Dressage at Lexington
11-13 July 2025
Great American Insurance Group/USDF Reg 1 /Championships and VADA Fall Show
2-5 October 2025​​

If you have any questions regarding volunteering, please do not hesitate to contact Rachel Rice, VADA Volunteer Coordinator at VolunteerVADA@gmail.com.
Volunteer Incentive Program (VIP)
The VADA Volunteer Incentive Program (VIP) is intended to stimulate interest in volunteerism among VADA members. As a reward for volunteering, members earn special VADA VIP gifts.
Volunteer time for the VIP Program must be earned by the member and cannot be transferred to other members.
All volunteer time will be tracked by the Volunteer Chair. Questions can be directed to VolunteerVADA@gmail.com. Volunteers will be notified as to the level earned and a link to the LogoShop to select a gift.

Earns a Bronze level VADA
VIP gift
Dressage at Lexington (July), Lexington, VA.
GAIG's/VADA Fall Show (October), Lexington, VA.
Assist with the Annual Awards Brunch (February)
Secure advertising or sponsorship for any of the above-licensed shows. One hour of volunteer time will be given for every $100 of advertising or sponsorship. Contact the Show Sponsorship Team for specific details.
Donating your services as a clinician, judge, or Technical Delegate for sale at the Awards Brunch Silent Auction (8 hours)
Other volunteer activities as determined by the VADA State Board
VIP Levels
Earns a Silver or Bronze level
VIP gift
Dressage at Lexington (July), Lexington, VA.
GAIG's/VADA Fall Show (October), Lexington, VA.
Assist with the Annual Awards Brunch (February)
Secure advertising or sponsorship for any of the above-licensed shows. One hour of volunteer time will be given for every $100 of advertising or sponsorship. Contact the Show Sponsorship Team for specific details.
Donating your services as a clinician, judge, or Technical Delegate for sale at the Awards Brunch Silent Auction (8 hours)
Other volunteer activities as determined by the VADA State Board
Earns a Gold or Silver or Bronze level VIP gift
Dressage at Lexington (July), Lexington, VA.
GAIG's/VADA Fall Show (October), Lexington, VA.
Assist with the Annual Awards Brunch (February)
Secure advertising or sponsorship for any of the above-licensed shows. One hour of volunteer time will be given for every $100 of advertising or sponsorship. Contact the Show Sponsorship Team for specific details.
Donating your services as a clinician, judge, or Technical Delegate for sale at the Awards Brunch Silent Auction (8 hours)
Other volunteer activities as determined by the VADA State Board
Days or more